Friday, October 5, 2012


I don’t know how to write a blog. It’s funny really; when I was younger I loved writing for fun with no pressure or expectations. It didn’t matter how my stories turned out, no one was going to read them anyway. As I got older and entered high school, a world filled with Honors and AP English classes, writing under pressure with high expectations became my life. Timed writings, literary analysis, and reflective essays became part of my daily routine. I have never been a very structured person, and was surprised by how quickly I fell in love with it this style of writing. The complex prompts never fazed me, nor did the assignments of multiple paged essays. If anything I always found myself going over the page limit. Even though there were rules, I never felt confined by a topic. I could still stretch my creativity inside of the box, all the way to the outside edges. The problem now, as I attempt this blog, is that I have forgotten how to think outside of it. I have forgotten how to write in a carefree manner that doesn’t involve analyzing everything and using the word “society” at least twenty times. It feels unnatural to sit here without furrowing my brow, trying to come up with the biggest words so that I don’t get counted off on word choice. Everything I write sounds like an essay and I don’t know how to go back to that place where I could just write for fun and with no expectations. My hope is that this blog will help me remember. I am writing this for no one but myself, to help me rediscover the passion I once had for meaningless writing.

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